Right on, and I believe it: maddog was the closing keynote speaker at Ohio 
LinuxFest this year, and boy was he inspirational.
When the Ohio LinuxFest people found out about what I was doing, through what 
seem to me to be random roundabout routes, they asked me to do a presentation 
about it next year. I replied a little less than completely enthusiastic, "I'd 
love to, I just don't know what I could talk about that would be worthwhile to 
people", and maddog replied to me with wonder, I guess, at how often he heard 
that from people who were doing interesting things and encouraged me to just go 
for it.
I will.
And I have a year to prepare, which is nice.
TTFN, hope this finds you having a great day!


From: David Trask [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed 10/11/2006 7:28 PM
To: Simon Ruiz
Cc: Andy Trevor; edubuntu-devel
Subject: Re: Linux as a platform

I agree Simon.  And believe it or not Maddog (Hall) and I have had this
discussion several times over the past couple of years.  It's
true....resistance is futile. 

David N. Trask
Technology Teacher/Director
Vassalboro Community School

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