Asmo Koskinen wrote:
> Christopher Chan kirjoitti:
>> Thierry Munoz wrote:
>>> We have bought an Eee Box (with XP unfortunately...) and it works as a 
>>> thin client booting with PXE under Ubuntu 8.04.1 .
>> EEE boxes? From Asus? Are they mini notebooks?
> I got two of these Eee PC's: 701 and 900.
> Here are Wiki pages:

/me stares at Eee Stick. /me stares at Eee Box. /me wonders whether Asus 
is planning to take over the Wii market. /me stops fantasizing.

/me eyes the L130/L230/L200 Ncomputing terminals scattered all over the 
school some mounted on LCD monitors, some sitting in their slots and 
some dangling around. /me believes he has found the perfect replacement.

Thierry, did you get the B202 or the B203? Did you encounter any 
challenges getting Ubuntu Hardy on your Eee Box? How is the Eee Box 


Cor! That thing looks really interesting. Hmm, too bad both these things 
come only with Windows XP. So much for XP being discontinued.

Asus needs to grow a spine and offer Ubuntu also for their preloaded 
operating system. I am half worried about telling the ICT Leader about 
the Eee Box...I may never be able to convert the whole school over to 
Ubuntu if he decides he'd rather keep the blooming XP even if it means 
them boxes cannot join the domain.

I'm going to try calling up the local Asus branch to see if I can get 
Ubuntu or no preloaded Windows XP Home. I certainly hope they don't 
offer XP Pro...

> And here Youtube videos:
> Eee Box:
> Eee Top:
> ----

Thanks Asmo. I guess I will send these links to the ICT Leader.

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