
I just spent a week troubleshooting this very issue on an 8.10 system and
got pam to assign local groups to LDAP uesrs. This method does not require
groups on the LDAP server.

The trick was in */etc/pam.d/common-auth* you need:

auth    required use_first_pass

to be listed before:

auth    required use_first_pass

and this line:

*; *; *; Al0000-2400;audio,cdrom,floppy,plugdev,video,fuse,scanner,dip

must be added to:


I've updated the documentation here:

See the Notes for "7.10 and laters" for the specific installation
instructions that worked for me (I used auth-client-config).

Nick Fengger

Trillium Charter School
Math & Technology Educator
Information Analyst
Database Programmer
Technology Coordinator

On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 11:33 AM, Nicolas Roussi <> wrote:

> First thanks to all that replied and helped for this issue. I have resolved
> the issue that I was having where the LDAP users were not part of local
> groups. If you are using smbldap-installer then the solution is the
> following:
> Add a group on the LDAP server with the same groupID as the local group
> sudo smbldap-groupadd -a -g 107 -o fuse
> Then add the users to this group
> sudo smbldap-groupmod -m "user1,user2,..." fuse
> This did the trick.
> Thanks again
> --
> Nicolas Roussi
> --
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