Hi Joseph,

I think you didn't follow some of the steps correctly, see inline:

Στις 25/02/2014 12:18 πμ, ο/η Joseph Bishay έγραψε:
So I found that getltscfg was not installed on the server so I had to
install.  It's part of the ltsp-client-core

You shouldn't have installed ltsp-client-core on the server. Remove it.

$ md5sum /etc/lts.conf
dbd0e12514a3cd400b042f31b6825c88  /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/amd64/lts.conf

Which file did you check, /etc/lts.conf as your command above says,
or /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/amd64/lts.conf as the reply above says?

root@ltsp191:~# getltscfg -a
export SOUND
export SCREEN_01

There's no # in front of the SOUND="true" line, is there?
Also, don't use SCREEN_01=shell because vt1 is reserved for the boot messages and the getty service.
Use SCREEN_02=shell instead.

With regards to tftp:
$ tftp -V
tftp-hpa 5.2, without readline

That's the tftp client, but which server?
dpkg -l tftpd-hpa

If the above issues ^ are just copy/paste typos etc, then I don't know what's wrong with your setup, so another visit to the IRC channel would be required... :)

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