Edupage is a service of EDUCAUSE, a nonprofit association
whose mission is to advance higher education by promoting
the intelligent use of information technology.

  EDUCAUSE Announces Current Issues Results
  OCLC and RLG Announce Merger
  Ohio University Exposes Personal Data
  Philadelphia Wi-Fi Nears Approval
  File-Sharing Landscape Evolves

EDUCAUSE has released results from its seventh annual Current Issues
Survey, which gauges attitudes among campus IT leaders about the
significance of a range of issues. This year's results represent
responses from 628, or 37 percent, of EDUCAUSE member institutions.
Most respondents are CIOs at their respective institutions. Notable in
this year's results was the rise of "Security and Identity Management"
above "Funding" as the top issue in terms of strategic importance. The
survey also found that "Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity," which
had only appeared on the top-ten list once before, has become a growing
concern for many respondents, landing fourth for strategic importance.
In addition, "Enterprise-Level Portals," which had been represented on
the top-ten lists in several previous years, was not on the list this
year, reflecting the technology's evolution from a hot topic to one
that, at many institutions, has been addressed and is now seen as an
ongoing service.
EDUCAUSE Quarterly, 5 May 2006

The OCLC Online Computer Library Center and the Research Libraries
Group (RLG) have announced plans to merge. If approved, the merger
would combine the two largest resource catalogs for libraries--RLG's
Union Catalog and OCLC's WorldCat. Clifford Lynch, executive director
of the Coalition for Networked Information, welcomed the merger, saying
it will put OCLC's resources "much more in the direct service of
research libraries." Pamela Snelson, president-elect of the Association
of College and Research Libraries and the librarian at Franklin and
Marshall College, agreed that the merger would be good for users. "One
larger database will help the average person be able to find
information in a more effective and timely manner," she said. The plan
must still be approved by two-thirds of RLG's 150 members. Under the
terms of the merger, RLG would become a division of OCLC.
Chronicle of Higher Education, 4 May 2006 (sub. req'd)

Officials at Ohio University said that a compromised server exposed
personal information on about 300,000 individuals for more than a year.
William Sams, CIO and associate provost for information technology at
the university, said unusually high traffic tipped off IT staff that
there was a problem. After investigation, it was determined that
hackers had accessed a server that contained an alumni database that
included more than 137,000 Social Security numbers as well as data on
donations and amounts. The database did not include credit card
information. Sams said the data had been exposed since March 2005. The
university is working to notify individuals whose data was exposed and
to offer them advice about how to minimize the risk of identity theft.
Two people in the database have reported misuse of their personal
information. Although one was found to be unrelated to the breach at
Ohio University, officials are still trying to determine if the other
incident is connected.
Chronicle of Higher Education, 4 May 2006 (sub. req'd)

Philadelphia's long-debated citywide wireless network is on the verge
of having final approval, after which implementation of the network is
expected to begin within a few weeks. The network has raised a range of
objections since it was initially proposed, and supporters of the
effort have had to make a number of changes and concessions. A city
council committee, which was the last step before a vote by the full
city council, demanded that language be added to ensure EarthLink will
use contractors who work with minorities, women, and people with
disabilities. In addition, Wireless Philadelphia, the nonprofit that
will oversee the network, will have a larger board than originally
planned, with broader representation from the city council and from
various municipal offices. The full city council is expected to approve
the deal, at which time EarthLink will begin installing wireless
transmitters on 4,000 utility poles owned by the city. The network,
which will charge a lower rate to poor users, is expected to be
finished in 18 months.
CNET, 3 May 2006

The fallout continues from a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in June that
found that the file-sharing service Grokster could be sued for
copyright infringements taking place with its application. After that
ruling, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) pressed a
number of file-sharing companies to modify their operations or face
legal action. Grokster settled with the RIAA in November, and, in the
latest announcement, BearShare has settled with the RIAA for $30
million and committed to stop facilitating illegal file sharing.
Another file-sharing company, iMesh, which settled with the RIAA in
2004 for $4.1 million, announced it will acquire the assets of Free
Peers Inc., which owns BearShare. Robert Summer, CEO of iMesh, said his
company is "committed to transitioning the compelling experience of
[peer-to-peer file sharing] to an authorized marketplace." Streamcast
Inc., which owns the Morpheus file trading application, is pressing on
with its defense against the RIAA.
Wall Street Journal, 5 May 2006 (sub. req'd)


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