Menyedihkan sekali melihat para pejabat kita yang berusaha menjaga persediaan 
Dollar AS/Devisa agar nilai rupiah tidak hancur.

Untuk mendapatkan Dollar AS pemerintah kita harus menyerahkan minyak, gas, 
emas, berhutang, menjual BUMN, dsb. Sementara pemerintah AS untuk mendapatkan 
Dollar AS tinggal memerintahkan The Fed untuk menekan tombol Printer Dollar dan 
mencetak sebanyak yang mereka suka.

Nilai rupiah pun terus turun dari semula 1 US$ = Rp. 1.88 tahun 1946 hingga 1 
US$ = Rp. 12.000 tahun 2009

Kata Nabi keledai tidak akan terantuk pada batu yang sama 2 kali. Namun dengan 
memakai uang kertas rupiah, bangsa kita terantuk krisis moneter berkali2 karena 
ulah spekulan valas.

Lantas kenapa kita tidak memakai mata uang emas yang telah dipakai selama 2600 
tahun lebih dan baru dihentikan oleh Nixon tahun 1971 karena pengaruh spekulan 
valas sehingga mereka dapat menikmati bunga the Fed dgn hanya ongkang2 kaki?

Jika orang-orang Barat saja percaya emas dan perak itu uang dan dollar cuma 
tipuan, harusnya bangsa Indonesia yang rupiahnya babak belur kembali memakai 
emas dan perak sebagai mata uangnya.

Alhamdulillah sudah mensosialisasikan uang emas dinar 
dan uang perak dirham. Harusnya pemerintah Indonesia yang melakukan ini.

Jika gaji/UMR pakai dinar emas, para buruh tidak perlu demo tiap tahun menuntut 
penyesuaian UMR karena gerusan inflasi terhadap rupiah karena harga emas "naik" 
bersama2 harga barang lainnya.
 Gold is money. Silver is money.
                The dollar is fraud -- a deception.

The history of Money
In all of history, wherever paper money has been issued, its value has 
eventually gone to zero. Its intrinsic value is nothing, and the dollar is no 
exception. The value of gold and silver is timeless, and cannot go to zero. 
Gold will always be precious..

I will answer for you the key questions:

    * Why and how has the dollar gold price declined from $850/oz. in 1980 down 
to $350/oz. today in 2003, during a time of inflation?
    * Where is the gold price going from here?
    * Why and when is the gold price going up?
    * Don't take my word for it; I'll give you proof.

Do you understand the gold & silver markets?
Do you understand money?
Do you know the truth about gold, money, and the dollar?

The dollar can only survive based on pretext. How much have you been 
misinformed? Are you aware of how this has taken place? Are you aware of how 
and why this will end? Have you been able to separate truth from propaganda? Do 
you need discernment and wisdom about money?

Then you have come to the right place.

Here are a few facts about monetary history in the United States. 

As America fought the War for independance, we issued paper money that turned 
out to be a disaster.  Thus, a few years later, when the Constitution was 
written, it stated that gold and silver would be money.  In the coin Act of 
1792, those who debased the currency, “or otherwise with a fraudulent intent” 
were to suffer the death penalty: 

"Penalty of Death for de-basing the coins.
Section 19. And be it further enacted, That if any of the gold or silver coins 
which shall be struck or coined at the said mint shall be debased or made worse 
as to the proportion of the fine gold or fine silver therein contained, or 
shall be of less weight or value than the same out to be pursuant to the 
directions of this act, through the default or with the connivance of any of 
the officers or persons who shall be employed at the said mint, for the purpose 
of profit or gain, or otherwise with a fraudulent intent, and if any of the 
said officers or persons shall embezzle any of the metals which shall at any 
time be committed to their charge for the purpose of being coined, or any of 
the coins which shall be struck or coined at the said mint, every such officer 
or person who shall commit any or either of the said offenses, shall be deemed 
guilty of felony, and shall suffer death."

To my knowledge, this Act has never been repealed.

President Andrew Jackson, our 7th president, was one of our nation's greatest 
monetary heroes. He recognized the evil of printing excess paper money.  He saw 
a boom (bubble) in real estate, fueled by excess bank loans.  He put a stop to 
it by passing a law that required all land sales to be in gold coin.  Banks 
would not loan gold coin, only paper money, so the boom collapsed.  He fought 
the banks, and refused to re-charter the central bank. 

In the Civil War, both sides issued too much paper money to pay for the War. 
Lincoln's paper money was called "greenbacks."  After the War, Lincoln was 
going to go after the banks, next.  But he was shot.

In 1914, the Federal Reserve was founded during the presidency of Woodrow 
Wilson.  Wilson, on his deathbed, admitted his error, saying that allowing the 
Federal Reserve to be founded was a betrayal of his country.  The Fed quickly 
issued money to help pay the costs of WWI, and caused the boom of the roaring 
20's.  By 1929, the market crashed, and the nation entered the Great 
Depression.  Gold was re-valued from $20/oz up to $35/oz by Rosevelt.  FDR made 
it illegal to own gold within the U.S. but allowed foreigners to redeem paper 
dollars for gold.

In 1963 Kennedy was killed. He had been issuing U.S. notes backed by the silver 
held by the U.S. Treasury, which was a threat to the Federal Reserve. He 
basically said he was going to reveal the fraud of the Federal Reserve to the 
American public. Within days, he was shot. There was one final Kennedy 
commerative silver 50 cent piece in 1964, the last 90% silver coin. By 1965, 
coins were debased, first 40% silver coins, and then copper clad coins 
containing no silver, like we have today.

According to the Coin Act of 1792, debasing the coins was a crime worthy of the 
death penalty:

    Penalty of Death for de-basing the coins. Section 19. And be it further 
enacted, that if any of the gold or silver coins which shall be struck or 
coined at the said mint shall be debased or made worse as to the proportion of 
the fine gold or fine silver therein contained, or shall be of less weight or 
value than the same out to be pursuant to the directions of this act, through 
the default or with the connivance of any of the officers or persons who shall 
be employed at the said mint, for the purpose of profit or gain, or otherwise 
with a fraudulent intent, and if any of the said officers or persons shall 
embezzle any of the metals which shall at any time be committed to their charge 
for the purpose of being coined, or any of the coins which shall be struck or 
coined at the said mint, every such officer or person who shall commit any or 
either of the said offenses, shall be deemed guilty of felony, and shall suffer 

By 1971, Nixon closed the gold window, and stopped redeeming paper money for 
gold.  Gold quickly rose in price over the next decade by an average of 34% per 
year, up to $850/oz.  Some say Nixon really resigned (not over Watergate which 
was the smokescreen) but over the real embarassment of selling off our nation's 
gold hoard while trying to defend the fraud of issuing too many paper dollars.

In 1975, Americans were allowed to own real gold again.  The day before, in 
1974, December 31, paper gold began trading again, called "gold futures 
contracts".  These were used to depress the price of gold substantially until 
the late 80's.  Thus, people who bought physical gold were hurt badly as the 
value of physical gold was cut in half right in the middle of the ten year 
boom.  Gold futures contracts are still used today to cap the price of gold.

In 1980, bonds were used to lure people away from gold.  Bonds were paying a 
high interest rate, and a nation-wide ad campaign was designed to get people to 
buy bonds instead of gold.  And if you wanted gold, you were supposed to buy 
the paper gold of "gold futures contracts" for the increased rate of return.  
The nation was deceived and rushed back into paper money.

Today, in 2003, the U.S. Bond market is valued at over $20 trillion, which is 
$20,000,000,000,000.  The measure of the money supply in U.S. banks is valued 
at about $8.8 trillion.  The total paper money is $29 trillion.
The U.S. gold hoard, 261 million ounces, at $400/oz. is valued at $104 billion, 
or $104,000,000,000. 

If you divide $29 trillion, into the 261 million oz. of gold, there are 
$111,111 dollars for every oz. of gold.  This is a price target for if we went 
back to using gold as money, and the fraud of the dollar, and the fraud of 
fractional reserve banking were destroyed. 

There is one important point to make regarding the last two defaults in gold 
deliveries in 1933 and 1971.  The inability to pay in gold came before the 
price rise.  Gold deliveries stopped before the price rose.  Thus, there need 
not be a substantial rise in the gold price before the default hits.  Delivery 
defaults occur when they run out of the gold to deliver.  The rise in price 
comes after the delivery default happens.

In all of monetary history, paper money always fails.  Don't forget the lessons 
of history.

Turning Gold Into Money

Gold is one of the most dynamic elements of the modern economy and some might 
find it funny that the oldest form of valuing physical commodities is still 
thriving today. The first gold coins were produced in 700 BC and since then the 
precious metal has been used as the primary exchange element. The fact that 
gold was scarce and highly valued made it the perfect means of exchange, 
regardless of what the exchanged items were. The history of gold turning into 
money spans over a period of 2600 years and the turning point in goldÆs history 
is the year 1971.

How Did Gold Become Paper?

Throughout history, gold and silver coins went through a process of debauching. 
Such coins began to be created out of gold and other metals, thus making the 
values of the actual coinage fluctuate in time. The process of turning physical 
gold into money began when goldsmiths, who used to store gold for other society 
members for a fee, started to issue receipts for their storage. The receipts 
idea spread quickly as it was more convenient than carrying the actual metal 
with them, so people began to get accustomed to the idea of paper money. 
Goldsmiths gradually turned into bankers and the currency evolutionary process 
continued developing.
Paket Umrah 2009 Mulai US$ 1.1490
ONH Plus (Haji Khusus) Mulai US$ 5.900
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