A Chat With Yasheng Huang China Said To Be Leaning Away From Capitalism

03.24.09, 05:40 AM EST
Looking at the U.S. crisis, Beijing feels its economic philosophy
vindicated, says Yasheng Huang of MIT.

China is turning away from capitalism just when it needs it most, China
scholar Yasheng Huang of MIT said Monday.

Halfway around the world from Wall Street, there is an unfortunate side
effect of the current global economic crisis: Communist Party leaders have
begun to question capitalism. Beijing is pointing at the U.S. government
taking big stakes in banks and financial firms like *American International
Group *(nyse: 
<>- people
<>) and extending credit to other
leading companies, such as *General Motors *(nyse:
<>- people
<>), as evidence that capitalism
has failed.

"In China, there's a view that socialism works and that a
state-controlled banking
system <> works," said Huang,
professor of political economy and international management at the Sloan
School of Management at MIT.

China is being hit hard by the current downturn because poor Chinese
consumers cannot buy enough to replace the plunge in exports as far richer
American and European consumers cut back. China is in a race to create jobs
to replace those being lost to the slowdown, and Huang maintained that
China's only hope is encouraging the development of small and medium-sized
businesses that will quickly hire workers. "The only way to promote
employment is through economic liberalization," said Huang, who studied
China's three decades of economic reforms for his latest book, Capitalism
With Chinese 
income is the best protection rural households have and it had
almost no growth" in recent years.

Incomes for rural China, where 800 million people live, have stagnated since
the 1990s because sources of rural financing dried up as Beijing prioritized
developing China's cities. That model worked as long as there was strong
demand for exports from Chinese factories since fast job growth at the
factories in coastal cities helped soak up rural workers who would otherwise
have been unemployed.

As Chinese factories close, at least 20 million Chinese who had moved from
the countryside to the coastal regions for work have returned, jobless, to
their villages. Those migrant workers were one of the only sources of income
growth for rural Chinese over the past decade, Huang said.

Beijing is concerned that high rural unemployment might lead to political
unrest and has been experimenting with measures to help rural residents.
There are discounts on white goods and reductions in school fees and taxes
in certain regions. Officials are rightfully preoccupied with the plight of
China's rural residents--both in political and economic terms, said Huang.
"Everything comes down to the countryside."
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China faced massive layoffs in the 1990s, as it began to dismantle many of
its money-losing state-owned enterprises. But, back then, many workers were
old enough to retire. Today, those being laid off are typically in their
30s, Huang said. Also, in the 1990s, foreign companies were racing to open
factories in China, and they hired tens of millions of workers pouring in
from the countryside. A real estate boom, which has since ended, helped
cushion the economic blows at the time as well.

But none of those mitigating characteristics is present now. "Today's
situation is much more severe," Huang observed. "Today you have the most
efficient private enterprises in trouble," not Communist relics. "I'm not
optimistic at all" about China's economic prospects, he added.

One of Beijing's few available tools to help its exporters--and in turn to
boost employment at Chinese factories--is to devalue its currency. Since
July of last year, China has kept it in a narrow range of 6.81 to 6.80 yuan
to the dollar.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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