dave belsley, w1euy

It's my understanding (though I've never used it) that it responds to 
a squeeze by repeating the last side closed.  Thus, holding the dot 
side produces a string of dots, dash side dashes.  Squeeze dot/dash 
give a dot followed by a string of dashes, while dash/dot produces a 
dash followed by a string of dots.  There is no iambic element.


Interesting! I caught Tom's query and was very interested in the answer

I can't see the advantage to normal non-iambic keying though... 

When I send a "C" using an iambic keyer, I just squeeze, being sure to hit
the "dah" side first. Two finger movements for one complete 'C' (plus
letting go!) 

But it'd take four if the dashes repeated, the same as if I was using it in
non-iambic mode. 

A "Q" on the iambic keyer takes two finger movements too. Hit the "dah" and
during the second dash, tap the "dit" and I get a "Q" with the dit inserted
after the second dah with logic-perfect precision. 

It sounds like the Ultimatic would require as many finger movements as a
"standard" keyer. 

Am I missing something? 

(Probably. After 20 years on an Iambic keyer I went back to a Bug because
it's more work and more satisfying. So don't ever expect me to be logical,
Mr. Spock!)


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