I've run HF mobile since the 1950's and over the years I found 
out what works and what dosn't.   The worst mobile ant I
ever used was the type with  bottom loading coil.   It was 
the next best thing to a dummy load.   Later I tried 
the top loaded Hustlers and they were a little better but
not by much.      

Then when the Lakeview Ham Sticks came on the market, the 
increased efficiency of that design was amazing.  I used
them 40 to 10M with excellent results.  Worked a lot of DX on 20M 
while in motion using the Ham Stick.  The 80M ham stick is mostly 
loading coil but it did work better than any other 80M mobile 
ant I had tried.  On the motor home I finally settled on using
a 40M ham stick on one side and a 20M ham stick on the other side 
of the roof.   That way I could switch bands on the road.
 When spending the  night on the road I always tried to stop where
there was a tree nearby to  throw up a 35 ft wire
Simply unscrewed the ham stick and used that wire
with a long wire tuner in the vehicle on all bands. That of course
was much better than a 7 ft long Ham Stick. 

Its no wonder these hams who are using the center loaded 
screwdriver ant's  need to have a 500w amp in the vehicle to
be heard :-)    Frank W7is 

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