Thanks for the interesting discussion, everyone. This issue has come up before, and we've concluded that creating separate lists might drain energy from what is at present a lively and diverse forum. We've achieved the critical mass needed to sustain community, and we'd hate to lose it. Of course if participation suddenly jumped by a factor of five, we might have to do some partitioning. All of the arguments made so far (e.g., per-rig lists) would be taken into consideration at that point.

Meanwhile, those who want to screen what they read can select one of the alternatives to getting every posting as e-mail. You can get a daily digest, or read selected postings via the web.

We do have one separate list called "Elecraft-Announce" that you can find on, right next to our regular list. We post new-product announcements, firmware upgrades, builder alerts, etc. on this list, as well as on the regular list. (I think we could be a little more diligent about it, and I'll remind our staff about this.) So, if you wanted to keep up with what's new without participating in the "big" discussion, you could subscribe only to Elecraft-Announce.

I suppose we could create a recursive list exclusively for the discussion of how many lists to create ;)


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