Posted for Julian (Our SPAM engine caught him..)

Subject:RE: [Elecraft] Should You Built It? Not necessarily
From:"Julian, G4ILO" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:Thu, 31 Mar 2005 12:05:10 +0100
To:Elecraft List <>

Perhaps "bonding" is the wrong word. But when you build a radio (or anything else on which you lavish time and care, like a model or a piece of furniture) it's not just something you bought: it represents a little bit of your life as well. If you sell it, you may get back the money you paid, but you never get anything for what you put into it.

I had an FT-817. I wasn't using it much, so I sold it 3 years ago. I didn't feel sentimental about it at all, it was just an investment that wasn't giving a useful return on what I paid for it. (When Elecraft announced the T1, I bought another one, and got a new ND for the price I sold the old one. Sell hi gh, buy low, why can't I manage to do that with the sto ck market ? <g> )

I wouldn't sell the K2, even if I wasn't using it, because it's more to me than just the money I paid for the kit. It's the time and effort I put into it, it's the first real radio I ever built, it's the pleasure I felt with the first contacts I made with it and I could never get any of that that back by just buying another, even though it would have all the mods and updates that are too difficult for me to add to this one.

Julian, G4ILO (RSGB, ARRL)
G4ILO's Shack:

"EricJ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm sorry, but the idea of "bonding" with inanimate objects is beyond my
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