Stephen W. Kercel wrote:

There is an interesting piece in the May 2005 QST. It has product reviews on four different antenna analyzers.

Two that were included are the MFJ-269 and the Autek VA-1. I have heard endless horror stories from many hams about both, abysmal quality control, virtually useless tech support and so on. None of these negatives are mentioned in the QST product review.

You hear the horror stories, not the ones in which people successfully use these products. I have an MFJ-259B and an Autek VA-1. They have their weaknesses, but compared to the higher-quality AEA unit, for example, they are very inexpensive. This is a tradeoff many hams are willing to make, given the fact that they don't earn their livings using these tools every day. I know that they have enabled me to do all kinds of jobs that would have been much more difficult without them.

Maybe I've been lucky. I do want to say that I've also heard 'horror stories' and some (OK, not all) have been from people who don't have a clue how the tool works and what its limitations are, while others are the guys who have a permanent 'attitude' (just read some of the postings on if you want to see what I mean).

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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