
In a CW contest, where following packet spots can put you on the exact
same frequency with all the other braying lemmings, contributing to
your signal's non-pickoutable status at the other end, being off the
crowd frequency by 20-50 hertz is a SUCCESSFUL strategy to break
through the pile, practiced ON PURPOSE by top CW contest operators. If
you are following CW packet spots, best to set your XIT up or down
20-30 Hz and leave it there.  DON'T ever use zero offset chasing CW
packet spots.  (It will NOT bother me in the LEAST if all those who
read this think such an assertion is nonsense and never try it out.  I
have outlined one of my competitive edge secrets, and I WON'T mind if
you DON'T use it.)

So being within 50 Hz is QUITE adequate and USEFUL.  And despite given
what seems to be being played as some failure of the P3, one DOES
still have the K3 tuning knob to very quickly adjust to perfect
centering for RTTY, and digital modes.  On the K3, it's the big
easy-to-use same-size-as-the-maxi-boxes knob.  For other transceivers,
consult owner's manual for location and instructions for tuning knob.

50 Hz off will still be within the audible passband on the NARROWEST
K3 passband setting.  Most contesters will use something like 200 or
250 for search and pounce, especially for chasing packet spots.  Many
of these spots will be off 100 or 200 Hz, in addition to carrying
blown calls, which is why the need for a quite wider bandwidth than 50
Hz for any kind of search and pounce operation.

As I have sort of been on the fence as to usefulness of a P3, you have
convinced me that a SPECTRUM DISPLAY, of all things, can be SO
ACCURATE, that by dropping the K3 to within 50 Hz of a VERY sharp
display blip, I would hear the blip station even if I forgot to back
off 50 Hz selectivity before QSY.

In contrast to your presentation that the 50 Hz is some kind of
failure, inattention to proper level of details or some such, you may
have sold the P3 to a long time cranky hard-to-convince,
uses-narrow-filter-settings-all-the-time CW contester, who probably
wasn't going to buy one.

Fixing the P3 50 Hz "problem" is probably one of these
how-many-angels-fit-on-the-head-of-a-pin controversies with a solution
that doesn't appear to warrant serious Elecraft business development
money when other good stuff is on the way.

But thanks for the dissertation, folks.

73, Guy.

On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 12:28 PM, The Smiths <> wrote:
> Fair enough, so lets say that you're within 50Hz accuracy then... That still 
> wouldn't QSY you to the Zero Beat on CW would it.
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