I too, have the K2 as my only rig in the home shack and I plan to keep it
that way. Antenna system at home consists of a B & W BWD-90 broadband folded
dipole for 80-40-30 and the rest of the WARC bands.  20-15-10 is a Cushcraft
A3S on a 10' tripod mounted on the roof of my garage which puts it about 25
feet high.  The 160 meter antenna is one of those accidents that worked.  An
inverted U.  Goes up 25 feet, out 60 feet to a big pine tree in the front
yard and back down 25 feet and the only counterpoise/ground in the system is
an 8' ground rod right at the feedpoint.  The KAT2 tuner matches it to 1.1:1
on all bands 160-10 with the exception of 17 meters.  There is a bad length,
either in the wire or coax that throws the impedance out of the KAT2's
range.  No biggie, the BWD-90 takes care of 17 anyway.

Now before the nay-sayers out there say that BWD-90 is a "folded dummy load"
due to the resistor located in it's configuration, I have 143 countries
worked, 63 confirmed running only QRP with the K2.  Many of these are on 80,
40 and 30 using the BWD-90.  I have at least 50 Japanese stations worked on
40 with 5 watts and this antenna.  Kinda funny for an antenna a lot of
people say can't work.

I have a nice padded aluminum case set up so that I can grab the K2, stuff
it in there and head out for anywhere.  In the case is a complete 80-10
meter PAC-12 antenna, 80' of RG-174 feedline, reeled up radials for the
PAC-12, a set of key paddles and a hand key on the same base.  This gives me
a pretty much "grab and go" system for emergency or just plain fun portable
operations.  The case cost me 20 bucks from Harbor Freight when they had it
on sale.  Everything fits nicely with a little room left over for power
cords, microphone, and extra coax adapters to match whatever antennas might
be available at the portable site.  I have a small drink cooler set up
containing a 12 amp hour 12 volt gel cell that I can take along for extended
operations, and a 30 watt BP-Solar SX-30 solar panel for charging if AC
power isn't available.  I keep a 6 amp power supply in the car at all times,
and of course, cables to clip onto the car battery if necessary.  Lots of
fun available.

Now all I gotta do is convince wife that I need a KX1 as well.  Don't need
it, just want one.

Jim - W0EB
Wichita, KS


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
> Behalf Of Wayne Reed
> Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 7:09 AM
> To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
> Subject: [Elecraft] K2 As Only Rig in Shack
> Gang,
>     My basic K2 [5 watt version] is my station rig.  I have a 
> NC-20 in white metal for field use.  That will be 
> supplemented by a K1 as soon as the budget will stand it and 
> SHMBO [lets not start that again] approves.
>     As for general coverage, I have a Hallicrafters S-38 
> [circa 1946] that provides all the band coverage one could 
> want at least on HF.  
> Wayne, K9NE
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