gary bartlett wrote:
>       I figured that I could use the P3 to look around any given band
>before I started creating a pile-up to see how much damage I might be 
>doing, and once I found the best (i.e., least offensive) portion of the 
>band, I was going to use the Span adjustment in Tracking Mode to set 
>the upper boundary of the pile-up so as to be able to contain the mess 
>without worrying about undue growth.

That's a very responsible attitude (although the same result can be 
achieved with a panadapter).


>       This was before the introduction of the P3 Fixed-tune Mode which 
>probably would have made things even better again for a P3 nut.
Fixed-tune mode is excellent for pileups, except that all the 
information is crowded into the right-hand half of the screen because 
the DX operator is normally listening UP.

A very useful option would be a 'SPLIT UP' mode, like fixed-tune but 
with VFO A fixed at one division from the left. That would allow us to 
view the pile-up at the highest available resolution, spread across 9 
divisions rather than 5.


73 from Ian GM3SEK
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