You are right of course.

Although, in a certain sense the feeding frenzy is entertaining.
Some of the "design changes" I've seen posted by the armchair engineers
since last Thursday just made me sit back a say.......WHAT!?!?!?

There are three prototypes on the planet and Elecraft are supposed to
know exactly what's it's going to cost shipped to your door six months
before a very soft shipping date? C'mon guys/gals!

I'd be surprised if they have parts to build five more on hand and we
know there will be changes to the board/parts/firmware during beta test.

On Thu, 26 May 2011 18:23:55 -0700
Fred Jensen <> wrote:

> What ever happened to "patience" in our society?  For pete's sake, 
> they're working on it, folks!  

> Don is right, a lot of what is cluttering up the list is premature.

> Just because light travels at 299,792,458 meters/second for our 
> computers and the electronic stuff in the pockets of our cargo shorts 
> doesn't mean that engineering moves at that speed too.  We all like 
> Elecraft.  Could we all give them just a little space?
> 73, and patient,
> Fred K6DGW
> Auburn CA
> On 5/26/2011 5:55 PM, Don Wilhelm wrote:

R. Kevin Stover
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