Good Evening,
    There was a little noise but the stations I heard were quite loud.   
Except for Fred.  Then he tuned and blasted in.  I missed the explanation  
since my ears were still ringing but found out he was running 500 watts  
 from his K3.  Once again weather reports were of much warmer weather than  
I am having.  I read about a year without a summer but now I have lived  
one.  While the rest of the US and Canada have had a heat wave I have had  
chilly to down right cold weather.  So I built a greenhouse to get some  
vegetables to eat during the fall.  Even though the season is short it is  
normally good enough for peas, beans, and lettuce.  For peppers and corn I  
need the hothouse.

    Propagation was not great on 40 meters once again.  While trying to  
hear Phil, who should have been a fair contact from Oregon, I decided to  
move the forty meter net later in the day by one hour.  So next week it  
will be at 0100z instead of 0000z.  Hopefully the band will wake up to a  
wider area before that time.  I'll post it again next week during my  
announcement but I wanted folks to know beforehand that they may have a  
much better chance of checking in rather than the bust it has been the  
last few months.  The net times will change again when we go through the  
Daylight Savings time change again later in the year.

     On to the lists =>

   On 14050 kHz at 2200z:
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K3 - 457
K6DGW - Fred - CA - K3 - 642
AC5P - Mike - OK - K3 - 2170
K1THP - Dave - CT - K3 - 686

   On 7045.5 kHz at 0000z:
K6DGW - Fred - CA - K3 - 642
K6PJV - Dale - CA - K3 - 1183
NS7P - Phil - OR - K3 - 1826

    I hope the time change allows more folks to check in to the second  
net.  Only better propagation will help the twenty meter net and the sun  
is currently blank.  Like my lack of summer this solar cycle is lacking  
the punch of a solar maximum.  I remember listening to shortwave as the  
sun was sliding off its peak in 1959.  I was reading about IGY which had  
happened only a couple years before and found out much about the  
geophysical properties of earth.  A lot more exciting than reading my  
dad's metallurgy textbooks :)  I was probably the only kid in first grade  
who could spell molybdenum and manganese.  The history of the metals were  
fun but then you got into the crystallography of them which put me to  
sleep.  It took a few years to develop a taste for those parts of his  
    Until next week stay well,
          Kevin.  KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)

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