Phase noise was recently discussed on the K3 Yahoo group, and I  
thought I'd add my two cents. Or maybe three :)

The K3's phase noise at 1 kHz is pretty much state-of-the-art for a  
DDS (direct digital synthesis) reference driving a wide-frequency- 
range, low-noise PLL (phase locked loop). We took things a step  
further by using a very narrow crystal filter after the DDS (about 2.5  
kHz), dramatically cleaning up the DDS even before application to the  
PLL. This forced us to use some pretty hairy math in calculating the  
PLL divider values, but it was worth the effort.

The TS590 (and all currently shipping Flex radios) use a synth  
subsystem that is quite different from the K3's. They use an  
unfiltered DDS as their local oscillator, with no following PLL.

There are some advantages to this design choice. First, and maybe the  
most relevant: it's cheaper than a DDS-driven-PLL overall, requiring  
very few analog parts, essentially no alignment, and far less PCB  
space. Second, such radios might have slightly lower phase noise at  
some very close offset--although at such spacings, other factors such  
as keying bandwidth or IMD typically dominate. Finally, use of a raw  
DDS allows the VFO to switch frequencies rapidly. Such agility might  
be useful for some digital modulation schemes.

However, that raw DDS VFO comes with a price: its output has many  
discrete spurs that can, at specific VFO frequencies, cause "ghost"  
signals to appear. This is due to mixing between the DDS spurs and  
strong signals appearing anywhere inside the receiver's band-pass  
filter (many MHz in most receivers, but not the K3--more on that  
later). This is true even with the 14-bit DDS word size described in  
the TS590's sales brochure.

The usual way to eliminate these wide-band spurs is to use a PLL to  
clean up the DDS's output. Ironically, that sales brochure I mentioned  
implies that eliminating the PLL was an advantage. Maybe they were  
thinking about reduced manufacturing cost, though this wasn't stated  

(BTW, a typical lab receive mixing test done at just one test  
frequency will not necessarily show this characteristic. To reveal the  
DDS spurs, you'd need to do such a test at many frequencies, moving  
the VFO in very small increments. This is because the spurs are the  
product of multiple digital sampling phenomena; they vary rapidly in  
frequency and amplitude as the DDS's control word is changed. The lack  
of such testing and transparency in the industry could explain why  
mixing spurs are *not* a hot topic of conversation among those  
considering a radio using a raw DDS VFO. Yet, like real ghosts, the  
resulting signals could, nonetheless, sneak up on you :)

It is certainly a lot more expensive to add a high-performance PLL  
into the system--just ask my engineering and manufacturing staff. But  
I guess it depends on what you're trying to optimize. We wanted the K3  
to perform extremely well in crowded band conditions, so we went to  
the trouble to use a DDS-driven-PLL synth. (Or TWO of these synths if  
you have the KRX3 sub receiver installed.) Flex may have elected to go  
with raw DDS because of the need for a very agile VFO for SDR  
applications. Kenwood may have been trying to keep costs low. Both are  
certainly worthy goals.

Actually, we made it even harder on ourselves with the K3. We provide  
narrow band-pass filters on every ham band, painstakingly aligned at  
the factory, ensuring that as little out-of-band energy as possible is  
presented to the mixer in the first place. This makes the synth's job  
a little easier. Yet nearly all other transceivers these days use  
"half-octave" band-pass filters that are many times the width of the  
ham-band segment. They require no alignment, but they open the radio  
up to more interfering signals. (You can add general-coverage band- 
pass filters to the K3's main and/or sub receivers, of course, by  
adding KBPF3 module. This has no effect on the ham-band performance.)

Note that like the K3, the KX3 uses a DDS-driven PLL synth. The K3 has  
an advantage in temperature stability since it uses a separate  
reference oscillator, but the KX3's phase noise is in the same very  
low range, as evidenced by Sherwood's numbers.

Many other factors besides synth phase noise--including transmit  
signal purity and receiver AGC behavior--also contribute to  
performance in crowded conditions. This is why, some time ago, we  
undertook a major redesign of the K3's AGC subsystem. This resulted in  
excellent field reports from DXpeditions, etc., regarding the dynamics  
of within-filter signals.

I won't go deeply into the SSB transmit purity issue, which has been  
adequately described by others. But I will mention that the K3's TX  
IMD at max power output is as good as or better than that of any other  
12-volt-capable transmitter. And if you run at lower power when  
driving an amp (typically 20-70 W), the IMD numbers are outstanding by  
any measure.


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