In contests, code speed is inversly proportional to how far you are listening up from the bottom of the band.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

Hank Kohl K8DD wrote:

I am a newcomer to all of this, and I am wondering if there is any place left in contesting for those of us who choose not to have a computer send code or receive code--ie just used for logging. I am working on getting my speed up, but I couldn't participate due to my inability to copy the high speed CW used by what I assume are mostly computers sending code. Am i off-base here? I do enjoy the QRP contests I have entered since these seem to use "manually" generated exchanges at slower speeds (20 - 25 WPM). Thanks for any advice...Ci, WU7R

I worked a lot of stations up high in the band who were using keyers (you could tell it was not computer generated!) , bugs and a few straight keys. And most of them were in the 20 - 25 wpm range, calling CQ and working stations. No idea if they were using computers for logging or logging on paper, but they are there.

On Sunday, when things slow down, I spend some time up around 7060 CQ'ing at around 24 - 26 wpm to catch the slower stations who don't want to get down in the fast lane between about 7020 and 7040 on 40.

72  73    Hank    K8DD
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