My only complaint with my KX1 in the Spartan Sprint (if I could ever get parts of the rest of my life to be still for 2 hrs, I'd get into another one) is that it is a 1.5 hour contest for me. In the last 30 mins, nearly everyone is on 80m, and I'm still on 40 working the few who haven't QSY'd.

Not withstanding, it is a really fun contest, and it doesn't take the entire weekend. (OK, it doesn't take ANY of the weekend, it's on Mondays)

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

David Lear wrote:
I think KX1 #1229 weighing in at 1.25lbs was the highest placed Elecraft rig in the Nov. Spartan Sprint Skinny division. That's judging by the weights of the preceding 9 finishers. I was using the KX1 with 4 Lithium Polymer (3.27AH) cells in series running at 16.5 volts, with the power turned DOWN to 5W (on Gary's advice). The internal battery holders were removed for weight saving. Used a tene keyer set of paddles mounted directly on the paddles jack (not the best arrangement). Operated 40 M only since my antenna rotator became stuck during Sweepstakes the day before. Used a Butternut Vertical with a long feedline - maybe if the weather permits in Dec. here in TX will try again outside with a shorter feedline.

72, Dave NE5DL

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