Tom wrote:

>The K1 should arrive next week.   I see a lot of mods got incorporated...

>There is mention of shortening the AGC response time by swapping 
>a 1.0uf for the original 2.2uf.    Did that mod make it to the current
>production units as well?

No, I don't think Elecraft has "embraced" that mod officially.  

But without it, the AGC on the K1 is incredibly slow.  I know of no one who has 
been sorry he made this simple AGC mod.  Fast AGC is generally preferred for CW 
mode by most operators.  It's always struck me as odd that the stock K1, as a 
CW-only rig, has such slow AGC.

I'd recommend that you build your K1 with 1 uF at RF-C31, rather than mess with 
the 2.2 uF value.

Mike / KK5F 

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