> Can someone clue me as to how to chase this down?

The easiest, most accurate way is to actually measure sensitivity using
an XG-2 or XG-3 signal generator.  You can check the S-meter on 80 and
160 compared to 20 meters and calculate the MDS on each band following
the method in the signal generator manual.

Have you calibrated the RF gain of the rig and checked the antenna
settings (ANT 1/ANT 2 if you have the KAT3 or Main/RX if you have a
KXV3 installed)?  Both antenna settings are saved per band as is the
preamp and attenuator.


  ... Joe, W4TV

On 2015-03-15 8:41 PM, Jan wrote:
I have a K3 that works fine on all bands except 75/80 and 160.   I have
a backup rig, an IC-730 from the 1980's, that has 75/80 but not 160.  I
did an A/B with the two rigs on 80 meters, and both the S-meter and my
ears tell me that signals are 5-7 S-units weaker on the the K3.  S/N is
clearly worse on the K3 than on the 730.

Can someone clue me as to how to chase this down?  Even if I have to
send a board back to Elecraft, I would like to do that rather than send
the radio.

Thank you,

Jan, KX2A

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