----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I learnt my morse procedures with the Royal Navy.
I had occasion to work some of the Royal Navy operators back in the 60s. One in particular, aboard HMS Tartar/GHGC, was one of the best traffic handlers I ever worked in 23 years in the USCG. I had the pleasure of meeting this op (Don) once when both our ships were tied up at the Navy base in Key West, FL.

1. The use of BK or B K. I understand that K means 'go ahead' an offer to
the other station to transmit - I do not see the logic in  sending a B.

There are actually 3 prosigns here; 1. B, 2. K, and 3. BK (overscored).
1.  B meant/means "more to follow"
2.  K "invitation to transmit"
3.  BK - used when attempting to break the sending station.

Sam, KL7V
Oklahoma City
K2 #3158

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