This is great information, guys, thanks.  I expect
that a LOT of 10W K2 owners will be adding KPA100
stages, in anticipation of the forthcoming QRO
amplifier.  One or two or three I know, in particular!

By the way:  my K2 #0771 has now passed 35,000 hours
of 'on' time.  That's not a typo: 35k+ hours.  It has
been running essentially non-stop (no notable
power-off time, except for trips to and from Field Day
sites, and for occasional bench time spent doing
upgrades) since January 2002.  

And - it had plenty of 'on' time before that, just not

The power configuration is with the IF amp current
control 'on' and with the S meter in 'bar' mode.

Try doing THAT with another radio!

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