
Well, I tried to check in. I heard Kevin (most of the time) and maybe 2
other stations. I guess I'll have to wait until I get a real antenna.


NEVER GIVE UP! Conditions weren't the best tonight... on EITHER net for that matter.

There were several(!) stations who attempted to dump their calls in once (or twice) but didn't seem to want to stick around long enough for Kevin (or me) to acknowledge them. Just because you don't get thru on the first couple attempts, DO NOT ASSUME that you're not being heard... you may just be the 3rd or 4th level down and we often tend to pick up the strongest (or fastest) first when then work our way down the list. SO at least give it the old college try several more times before assuming you're not going to be heard.

And, for those others who DO get through... if you hear someone attempting to QNI (check in) and neither Kevin nor I (nor anyone else) is acknowledging them, PLEASE dump YOUR call in (again) and relay (QSP) that other station when once you're acknowledged by the NCS at that time.


Tom   N0SS

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