For a real long path, long delayed echo consider this story I've told before:

Back in the early eighties I was still active on real (non-digital) 2-meter EME. One morning before heading to work I was pointed toward the setting moon looking for JA or UA0. As I tuned around I heard a CQ. As I listened for the call, I heard another CQ on a slightly different frequency. "Wow" I said to myself, "this is amazing." As I continued to listen, I identified W5UN on one frequency. I had worked Dave several times, even on SSB, so I passed on him and tuned to the other guy. He was also W5UN! I was hearing Dave off the back of the antenna on tropo (950 miles) on one frequency and off the moon with some Doppler and a 2.5 second time delay on another frequency.

Wes  N7WS

On 11/27/2015 1:38 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
On Thu,11/26/2015 7:54 PM, Jack Brindle wrote:
That would be from me… Amazingly, this was on 80 meters, and was heard all over the bay area up into central CA. At times the “echo” was louder than the direct signal! There are at least two recordings from that event. Very strange, and extremely interesting. While it was ongoing, both 40 and 80 were open across NA.

Those of us with very good antennas for 80 and 40M, and especially those with directional RX (either a beam or Beverage) are well aware of long path openings at certain times of the day. Last winter, while CQing on 80M, I made a half dozen Qs to Ukraine split between two mornings. Post contest analysis showed them to all to be within about 200 miles of each other, and along the grey line. At other times, I've made long path openings to EU in the morning.

While operating from Chicago with dipoles for 20-10, there were periods of an hour or two during DX contests when I was hearing EU stations equally strong via short and long paths, to the extent that they were completely uncopyable.

73, Jim K9YC

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