Having just gotten K2 5345 completed and on the air, and mighty proud of 
that fact, I'd like to add my endorsement of Spectrogram to give the ultimate 
"tweak" to a fine piece of ham gear. Besides, Spectrogram is fun!
    Yes, this old duffer found it confusing at first and I had to make mistakes 
with it in the process of learning, but nothing is harmed by those errors. The 
software isn't complicated to use, but if like me you don't at first fully 
understand the circuitry you're working with, then along the way you're going 
to gain the added benefit of discovering the beauty of the K2's adjustable 
filter design. 
    Although painstaking effort has been taken to clarify the instructions, you 
may very well have questions and become a tad lost at some stage. Have no fear, 
because lots of knowledgeable help is available right here on the forum. All 
you have to do is ask. I did, then received a friendly, encouraging answer 
within the hour from Tom, N0SS, and the way was cleared to a much better 
understanding of the K2 filters.
    Is Spectrogram worth the effort? You better believe it! I had the filters 
set as indicated in the K2 manual, and thought they were working fine. Little 
did I realize how much better they can perform. It's almost magical now to tune 
a station to my Spot tone frequency, then drop down through the filter stages 
in CW Normal or CW Reverse and have that pitch stay perfectly centered. No more 
having to slightly retune to keep the station where needed. It's right there! 
    If you don't have that perfection in your filter alignment, just think how 
sweet it would be to not lose a single character when forced to narrow the 
filtering. All it's going to cost you to gain this pleasure is a little time, 
and perhaps the purchase or making of the simple audio jumper cable. The 
control you acquire over your K2's performance and added knowledge of how it 
works will leave you with a warm glow of accomplishment.
    Don't hesitate, jump right in! You've nothing to lose, a great deal to 
gain, and you get to feel like a real lab technician to boot. It doesn't get 
much better than that!
    Dale, K6PJV
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