Totally agree.
I built a dipole one time and fed it with the 450 Ohm window line everybody likes to use. I twisted the ends of the window line and crimped a couple of terminals on the ends. If it was going to be a permanent antenna I would have soldered it.

Two years later when I took it down I disconnected the window line from the 1:1 current balun and the terminals came off in my hand. Apparently when I twisted the strands before crimping the connectors I removed some of the copper. The steel wire underneath had rusted to dust a good six inches back. No more window line here, doesn't matter who sells it, and no more copper weld.

On 2/10/2016 5:59 PM, Don Wilhelm wrote:
Copperweld is "nasty" stuff IMHO. If you can support it so it will not flex, you can tension it greater than plain copper. But it 'remembers' the coils it had on the wire spool and will spring back to those coils if allowed to remain free and untensioned. If you pull it while it has a kink in it, the game is over, that kink will become a spot for failure.

R. Kevin Stover
FISTS #11993
SKCC #215
NAQCC #3441

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