I would like to feel some tactile feedback when using the RIT/XIT knob to make gross changes in frequency. If there was a detent for each change in frequency, then I would know how much to turn the knob without having to look at the display.

The same feature would be nice on the other encoders -- Shift/width/speed/pwr and the two VFO knobs.

I don't know about the practicability of getting encoders with tactile feedback.

73 Bill AE6JV

in [Elecraft] Neoprene Ring for The Big Knob, On 3/7/16 at 10:19 AM, k6...@foothill.net (Fred Jensen) wrote:

While I seem to be able to adapt to many things that bug others, and I had adapted to the original knob/ring, I really do like the feel of this one. There's a significant increase in the tactile sense on my fingers, and I seem to be able to set a frequency to 1 Hz more easily. It's worth the $16 + USPS priority to me.

Bill Frantz        | Since the IBM Selectric, keyboards have gotten
408-356-8506       | steadily worse. Now we have touchscreen keyboards.
www.pwpconsult.com | Can we make something even worse?

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