In a desperate attempt to make this subject at least vaguely on topic, note that future CW use is important to the future requirements for ham radios. If new hams aren't interested in CW, then good support for CW will become less important, particularly as older ones leave the hobby.

There are a couple of things which give me hope for the continued use of CW:

CW is the easiest mode to use for DXCC. Between the large number of stations active on CW, and CW's ability to work in bad band conditions, I think it will continue to attract users. Digital might be a contender for bad conditions, but it seems to me the QSO rate is always slower for Digital vs. CW.

The number of licensees in the US continues to climb in all three license classes. Even if we assume that all the technicians are only interested in VHF/UHF FM for emergency services use, we still have growth in generals and extras. These people will be using HF for contesting, among a myriad of other uses. Many contests have incentives for CW in their scoring systems.

73 Bill AE6JV

On 3/29/16 at 5:34 PM, (lstavenhagen) wrote:

So... this may be too far OT and forgive me for being ignorant, but I'm
genuinely curious. Is Morse used at all anymore in any commercial or
military enterprises? Or is amateur radio "it" for CW these days? I honestly
don't know if we're the only ones left using it on planet Earth or not....

Bill Frantz        | gets() remains as a monument | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506 | to C's continuing support of | 16345 Englewood Ave | buffer overruns. | Los Gatos, CA 95032

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