To make this an Elecraft amp, it should be designed based on the best
architectural ideas from the Elecraft tradition. At this point of the
evolution, this must be seen at the system level, including the (never-to-be
?) "K4" and all other "K-line" components.


Why such a broad scope? The present chaining together of control cables is
showing its limits. When major features are to be introduced, maximum
flexibility is achieved when control signals from A to B don't have to
travel through multiple boxes. A client-server approach is appropriate,
maybe using Ethernet as backbone. Won't this shut out the owners of
non-Elecraft equipment? No, each box will still have a a more conventional
control interface. Once a user adds more than one Elecraft box, fast
intercommunication between those boxes may provide features not practical if
the second box were of a different brand.


Key Elecraft philosophies to build on. Value retention. No need to buy a
whole new rig to add functionality. Modularity. Today we can add options
inside the K3(s). That is great as long as the box is small and light. It is
particularly valuable for portable use. Having to bring extra boxes on a
camping trip, and deal with the wiring between them, is aggravating.
Elecraft put paddles on the KX3 box, and a microphone in the KX2 for a
reason. For the home shack adding boxes is necessary to avoid any box
becoming too big or heavy. It also is necessary to make possible extensive
additions to functionality. A challenge with multiple boxes is to make sure
the functional assets in a given box are all available to global
applications that depend on resources spread among the boxes. The networking
architecture is key for this. 


High power amplifiers should probably be limited to less than max legal
power, but the overall architecture should include the components needed to
run more than one such amplifier in parallel. Each amp should be designed to
work with a separate controller, and have a minimum of front panel controls.
With multiple amp's available one should be able to quickly reallocate those
resources between a single or multiple virtual radios.


Graphic display resources. We should still have the option for a very
compact and portable user interface, such as the K3 without P3. When an
upgraded P3 is available, it should be able to display more information than
what is the case today. A new display box would make sense for even greater
capabilities (higher resolution external display compared to P3, as well as
bigger built-in screen options). Could be part of new control console. 


Central controllers. There should be multiple options. Some people may love
to work from a PC screen, and that might also suit the user who starts out
with just one box from the new architecture. Others may prefer a special
harware console, or working from a slightly upgraded K3 (or K4). 



Erik K7TV



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