After recently completing a KX1 kit, I wanted to monitor with a speaker and 
what I had been using gave me very poor output levels. I bought the recommended 
Sony earbuds, which have wonderful volume and reproduction, but still wanted a 
speaker because that's the way I operate most of the time.
    Cruising my local Radio Shack, I happened upon their exclusive "mini 
extension speaker for transceivers," stock number 19-318 at $26, and took it 
chance on it working well since it is "optimized for communications." It also 
is black and tiny, an appealing companion for the KX1.
    I'm here to tell you that little bitty box puts out a terrific sound, 
particularly for cw and my OT hearing! Now, I'm never without it hooked up to 
my K2, K1 or KX1 unless I need the earbuds for some odd reason. I highly 
recommend it as the ideal traveling companion and in particular for solo or 
public display Field Day stations. I nearly wrote Wayne earlier to recommend it 
after spotting the speaker in his FD setup that was bigger than the rest of his 
station :)
    Meanwhile, I'm still chuckling over AB3AP's insightful comment that the 
K2's "not inst" display also flashes a subliminal "buy me" message. I'm going 
to try that reasoning with the xyl on my next Elecraft purchase, which will be 
a noise blanker so I'm not bothered by all the UPS truck deliveries.
    73, Dale K6PJV
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