I realize that this is off-topic but allow me a few
thoughts about the ongoing G5RV discussion.

I have placed Varney's original paper here:


Reading this will reveal the following:

1. Varney *did* intend to operate the antenna on
multiple bands, although 20-meters was the design
center frequency.

2. A version with an all open-wire feeder *is* still a
so-called G5RV.  Varney even specifies that a version
*without* the coax is better on some bands.  

3. The only thing "magical" about the antenna is the
choice of radiator length.

4. On 20-meters, the open-wire section of the coax-fed
version *is not* a "matching section" but an impedance
repeating section.

5. Varney repeats an often made error when he states
that some part or another of the antenna resides in
the open-wire line, i.e is "folded into the feeder." 
If this were true we wouldn't need acreage for
operation on 160-meters.

Wes  N7WS

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