Hmm, before I dumped money into a new amp I'd say take a look at the antenna first. The antenna is always the first place to look to improve your signal gettin' out.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Locher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tue, 4 Sep 2007 12:17 pm
Subject: [Elecraft] Major Flaw in the K3

I have found a really major flaw in the K3. It can be fixed with an accessory but it will be very expensive. The flaw can be a great frustration. Fortunately, I have been able to fully document what causes it. 
Here it is - the receiver hears entirely too well. 
I am hearing all sorts of DX, particularly on 40 and 20 meters, where I spend most of my time. I am hearing a lot of rare DX stations that no one else is calling. 
The frustration is that when I call them they can't hear me. Often not at all, while at other times they try to get my call but do not manage it. Just because they are S0 or S1 in the K3 is not an excuse; they are solid Q5 copy. This is not a single isolated incident; this has happened to me repeatedly. Of course, once these stations have K3's the problem will probably go away; then they will be able to hear me. But in the mean time this issue must be dealt with. 
I see two possible solutions. One is to turn off the receiver preamp and turn on the attenuator that Elecraft has so thoughtfully provided - this makes me suspect that Wayne knew all along that this would be a problem - the other is to add a 1500 watt solid state linear with built in antenna tuner and full QSK. I suspect that this is the fix that Eric has in mind. 
Bob W9KNI 
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