Sorry to have been away for so long. I've been busy.

My students (5th-8th grade) and I have finished the K2, finished the KNB2, almost finished the KSB2 (I hope we will have that done today), and haven't started on the KPA100 yet. K2 works great. Lovely receiver!

But, it appears that the KNB2 is doing nothing. Our school sits practically under a 240KV power line. We have constant pulse-type power line noise that kicks the noise floor up about 6dB-8dB on 80M-30M. The NB on our IC-706MkII takes it right out. The KNB2 appears to do nothing.

For testing I have been using my heat-gun's electric motor as a noise source. Noise is plainly audible. NB appears to have no effect.

What I have determined:

1. 6V good (5.98V);
2. diode are good (conduct in proper direction) and installed correctly;
3. threshold line switches properly;
4. Pulse width line switches properly;
5. blanker on/off line switches properly;
6. 6NB switches properly;
7. U1 is showing good gain between input (pin 4) and output (pin 8);
8. No blanking pulse on GATE.

Since the receiver works with the KNB2 installed, that implies that the BPF is OK. Gain at U1 implies U1 is OK. All the control lines switch which implies that U3 is OK.

Visual inspection shows no improper component placement. Diodes, transistors, and ICs are oriented correctly.

I have an HP 180A analog scope. I see signal (how I determined U1 has gain) but haven't had success getting it to trigger on the noise pulses.

So, anyone have any suggestions for further trouble shooting?

73 de Brian, WB6RQN
Brian Lloyd - brian HYPHEN wb6rqn AT lloyd DOT com

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