There are MANY great things about he Elecraft radios :

I do not have to take it all or leave it : I order it or add options to suit
what I want.

Even though I order it now, I can download the latest and greatest firmware
and have the improvements as they become available. I don't have to wait
until they think they have it perfect AND I don't have to settle for what
they thought was perfect when they finally go there.  It CAN be "fixed".

I have been a technician all of my life and I love that I can go in and do
the alignment and measurements for myself and even save a few bucks
(important to me) by doing the assembly myself.

The customer service is second to none.  Who else actually responds to
questions and answers them AND LISTENS to what is being said?  We can
actually TALK to real people that we can understand and that actually DO the

The product rates TOP SHELF.

Suggestions?  Of course.  There is something I would like to see BUT it
doesn't rate anywhere near the priority level of the things that must be on
the list at this time.  Will I clutter the list by mentioning it now?  No.
Do I have to live without it because I ordered my radio now?  Probably not.
It can be written (IF they think it is worthy), downloaded and installed
later.  Am I willing to wait, of course.  I would rather have them there for
the  long term than "getting tired of it" from too much pressure.  We have a
great group of people out there and I greatly appreciate them.

At this time, I have only started the slowest procession of calendar days in
my life.  Carefully watching the order to ship dates duration and
continually recalculating the arrival date of my own K3.

Business interest in Elecraft?  No, just that they are building my perfect
radio (kit) and I want them to still be there in a year or two or ten.

Thanks guys and gals,
73, de Jim KG0KP

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lee Buller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Elecraft Reflector" <>
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 10:26 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] It Just Takes Time

All these musings about AM and FM modes and such are interesting reading.
It all takes time.

In a year or two, The K3 will be a better radio with all the bells and
whistles you want.

It just takes time.

We live in a linear time universe...and on this planet....time is a
constant....which I am sure will be debated as well.  I am not a
physicist...but my Momma always said I had to wait until the cookies were
done baking.

"The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time."
Abraham Lincoln

"I've seen the future, and it's much like the present -- only longer."
Dan Quisenberry

"There is time for everything"
Thomas Edison

Lee Buller
"Are the trains running on time now?"

In our day and age it seems that Common Sense is in short supply.  If you
don't have any Common Sense - get some Common Sense and use it.  If you
can't find any Common Sense, ask for help from somebody who has some Common
Sense.  Is Common Sense divine?
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