Someone kindly mentioned SR5 here so I downloaded it and observed that my audio from the K3 had a pronounced peak around 1600 Hz. I compensated for this by adjusting the K3's RX equalizer so that EQ (6) is -4db, EQ (7) is -4db and EQ (8) is -2db. I now have a flat response across the spectrum. QRN is less distracting now. Also, my waterfall on MIxw is nice and even all the way across now. This isn't very scientific. I was just using band noise to adjust the EQ for a flat response but since band noise is what I'm dealing with, I felt it was adequate. Question is: Has anyone else noticed this? Do you think it's something to do with filter shape? Maybe the audio amp. is indeed flat but the filters aren't and I'm compensating for them. Whatever....I'm just glad there K3 has that nice EQ!

Steve Ellington
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