Phil Hystad wrote:
> Excellent point.  I am right handed but almost always use my left
> hand for fiddling the knobs and buttons on my K3 (or, any other rig
> with one exception).  My right hand is either next to my Begali
> paddle or it is holding a pencil/pen.

Several years ago, as an outgrowth of a very long thread, I ran a little 
survey here about "handedness" and hams.  It was non-scientific [people 
answered the survey voluntarily so the sample was self-selected].  Aside 
from the fact that the percentage of left-handed hams was quite a bit 
higher than the average for males [something I've noticed at radio club 
meetings too], the results suggested that hams have all manner of 
arrangements for their radio gear on the desk, whether they paddle left 
or right, how they set their paddle up, and the like that doesn't 
correlate much with whether they consider themselves north or southpaws.

I'm a leftie, but you'd probably tell me my station is set up right-handed.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2010 Cal QSO Party 2-3 Oct 2010
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