>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donald Davison)
>> Subject: [EM] 02/02/02 - Alexander, don't get stuck in a `Time Warp':

>> If you are of normal intelligence, then sometime in you
>> life you will come full circle and return to IRVing.  Most
>> do, but some get stuck in a `Time Warp' and never get
>> beyond the mire of the ABC methods.  A few of the people
>> on this backwater EM list are suffering that condition,
>> which should make you feel at home for now.  `Me thinks'
>> they like the way these three methods deceive the voters.

That sounds familiar, that story about how only
stupid people are unable to see the superiority
of IRV.  Except that in the version I heard, a
child watching the procession shouts "Irving
isn't wearing any clothes!"

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