On Mon, 3 Mar 2003, Steve Barney wrote:

> Forest:
> In message # 10970, why did you say "wisely," as follows?:
> > Kemeny (wisely) doesn't believe in cyclic symmetry removal
> [...]
> Do you mean to imply that the KR tie between A>C>B and B>A>C is more
> reasonable than the A>B>C outcome yielded by both Saari's and your
> decomposition of my example?:
> 3:A>B>C
> 5:A>C>B
> 0:C>A>B
> 5:C>B>A
> 0:B>C>A
> 5:B>A>C

That depends on whether or not the ballots are sincere.

In general elections conducted according to Kemeny's Rule are more apt to
elicit sincere ballots than elections conducted according to Borda's rule.


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