I thought you had in mind, computer randomizes pattern and prints out the 3 
plus 1 copy (it decides which).  

That is a disaster since enables trivial vote buying using statistical effects.

If same, but YOU decide which to copy, then
the scheme still is vulnerable to statistical effects:

I support both Clinton and Gore but hate Bush (suppose).
I tell you "vote for Clinton and bring me back a ballot-copy that says
   Clinton=1, Gore=1, and you get a dollar."

If you do not vote Clinton but do vote Gore, then your probability of being 
able to
get the dollar, is  2/3.

If you do not vote Clinton and do vote Bush, then your probability of being 
able to
get the dollar, is  1/3.

If you do vote Clinton, your probability is   2/3.

If I do this enough times, I bias the vote a lot.

Warren D. Smith  <-- add your endorsement
election-methods mailing list - see for list info

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