> From: Howard Swerdfeger > Sent: 17 April 2007 17:37
> Tactical voting is easy in STV.
> Step 1 : Determine what your preferred ranking is.
> Step 2 : Determine who is sure to lose the election
> Step 3 : Rank all candidates you are sure will loose above 
> the rest of your "real" list

> The only flaw that I see is if you elect someone from your 
> "sure to lose list".


If enough other voters pick on the same "loser" because they are playing
the same game, your "loser" will become a "winner".  There is good
evidence from real public elections with STV-PR that attempts at
tactical voting of this kind are unwise.  The only good advice for
STV-PR public elections, i.e. with large numbers of voters whose
preferences you cannot possibly know, is "Do NOT attempt to vote
tactically.  Vote positively for the candidates you really want".
James Gilmour

election-methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

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