أحمد المحمودي <aelmahmo...@users.sourceforge.net> writes:

> I confirm that I got the same problem with elinks 0.13 (20081129 
> snapshot).

ELinks 0.10.6, 0.11.0, 0.11.5, 0.12pre1, and 0.12pre2 all crash.
The trigger is that there is no newline after the final </MAP>.
Small test case:

<TITLE>Double-free crash in USEMAP</TITLE>
<P><IMG src="/dev/null" usemap="#crasher"></P>
<MAP name="crasher">
<AREA shape="rect" coords="42,42,69,69" href="http://elinks.cz/"; alt="see 
<!-- no newline at the end of this line --></MAP>

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