On Mon, Jun 19, 2006 at 03:44:59PM -0700, Steve Holmes wrote:
> Sorry for replying to my own post but an additional test of this CGI
> script with my local apache server did show a valid QUERY_STRING so it
> is inside elinks when it is always blank.  Just an additional note.
> On Mon, Jun 19, 2006 at 03:08:19PM -0700, Steve Holmes wrote:
> > I'm interested in developing some scripts to run locally with elinks as
> > CGI.  To begin with, I'm trying a really simple perl script that does
> > little more than print the local environment with names and values of
> > all environment variables.  For whatever reason, the variable,
> > QUERY_STRING is always "" even though I pass data in the URI.
> > 
> > Here's how I test it for now.  I just type "elinks
> > cgi-bin/printenv.cgi?value1&value2" or other variants.  I don't have any
> > html or forms or any of that yet; I just wanna be sure I can pick up the
> > environments and pass get and post variables.  I have the option in
> > elinks for CGI turned on and I have my bin set to "~/cgi-bin".  This
> > would be a cgi-bin in my own personal directory.  Also, I'm using elinks
> > version 0.11.1 and wonder if I'm doing this all wrong or if I'm doing it
> > too simply or what.  I do get all the other environment variables but
> > QUERY_STRING is always blank no matter what I put in after the trailing
> > question mark.

ELinks is converting that argument to a URI, which process encodes the
question mark and ampersands. In fact, don't you get a file-not-found
error? Try providing a URI:

   elinks 'file:///home/me/cgi-bin/printenv.cgi?value1&value2'

> > Any ideas? I think elinks will be a wonderful tool for simple local apps
> > where forms screens are needed.

Indeed. GITweb and info2html are nifty CGI scripts, and Witek wrote a
CGI script for FSP support before he implemented built-in support.
I'd love to know of other useful CGI scripts that work with ELinks.

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