I'm not part of the mailing list so please CC me your answer.

I attached a tarball containing html that does not render under elinks. Note 
that the html does not render under any text based renderer I tried. It doe 
render under firefox or konqueror.

The html can also be found here:

after uncompressing, load the index.html file. Other html in in the tarball 
render properly.

I'm running under Gentoo Linux and the elinks version is:

na...@naquadim ProjectDocs (master)$ elinks --version
ELinks 0.11.4 (built on Feb 14 2009 16:32:37)

Standard, Fastmem, IPv6, gzip, bzip2, Periodic Saving, Timer, Cascading Style 
Protocol (BitTorrent, File, FTP, HTTP, NNTP, URI rewrite, User protocols),
SSL (OpenSSL), MIME (Option system, Mailcap, Mimetypes files), LED indicators,
Bookmarks, Cookies, ECMAScript, Form History, Global History, Scripting (Perl, 
Ruby, ECMAScript scripting engine),
Goto URL History, Search History

Cheers, Nadim.

Attachment: html.tar.gz
Description: application/tgz

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