Dear Mr. Masters,

Miciah Dashiel Butler Masters wrote on 13 Jul 2010:
> ELinks does not support Big5 (or GB2312).  There is a report on
> Bugzilla, "should use iconv for charset that it doesn't know":
> It would be wonderful if somebody implemented that (and it has been
> discussed several times), but it would be a good amount of work.

Thank you for clarifying that. I am not much of a programmer, so doubt
that I would be able to add the iconv functionality by myself.
However, as far as individual charsets are concerned, is there much
more to getting them to work than providing translations tables to
UTF-8, like the ones in Unicode directory in elinks sources?

Both tables seem to be available from Unicode Consortium to some
degree at least (using Microsoft's CP936 for GB2312 and CP950 for


Richard Boyechko
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