Thanks for your help, Chris, Richard, and Bastien. Chris's method of
loading the file explicitly will be useful until I get the path sorted

On 11/6/07, Bastien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "William Henney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I use the script Pete sent a while a go update org-mode automatically.
> It fetches uncompress and untar the tarball archive.  It copies the org
> info file (which name is really "org") to the local ~/info/ directory
> where I keep latest version of Info files.
> Then I have this is my .emacs.el:
>   (add-to-list 'Info-default-directory-list "~/info/")
> And the info page is correct.  Does that help?

I don't use Pete's script, but I do essentially the same thing and it
doesn't work

BUT, I think I have now found the culprit... It is all the fault of
fink (for the non Mac users, fink is a package manager and repo for OS
X, a bit like yum or apt, except a lot less useful....)

At some point I had added the following line to my ~/.profile

  test -r /sw/bin/ && . /sw/bin/

and that file, unbeknownst to me had been setting the INFOPATH
environment variable. This means that Info-directory-list gets
initialised from INFOPATH and that Info-default-directory-list is
completely ignored :(

So, the answer seems to be to unset INFOPATH in the shell and to merge
the fink info directories into my Info-default-directory-list

At least, I assume this will work. I don't want to restart my emacs at
the moment since I would lose too much context, but I will test it out
when I next have a quiet time.




  Dr William Henney, Centro de Radioastronomía y Astrofísica,
  Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Campus Morelia

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