I thought some of you linux users might like this - use gnome-osd-client
to put an on screen reminder of your looming appointments. I include a
screenshot link below. I'm sure the code can be improved as I'm not much
of an elisp programmer. I have also included an erc hook to use OSD to
display messages in your subscribed irc channels directed at you. Hope
you like it. I dont know if the gnome-osd stuff will work on kde, but
try it and see.


org stuff:

| ; Update appt each time agenda opened.
| (add-hook 'org-finalize-agenda-hook 'org-agenda-to-appt)
| (setq appt-display-format 'window)
| (require 'my-osd)
| (defun org-osd-display (min-to-app new-time msg)
|   (osd-display msg msg -1 "center" "center" "Verdana 20")
| )
| (setq appt-disp-window-function (function org-osd-display))
| ;; see my-osd for plugins
| (require 'diary-lib)
| (add-hook 'diary-display-hook 'fancy-diary-display)
| ;; Run once, activate and schedule refresh
| (run-at-time nil 3600 'org-agenda-to-appt)
| (appt-activate t)

osd stuff:

| (defun osd-display (id msg &optional delay vattrib hattrib font)
|   "Display a message with an id of ID for delay seconds with message msg"
|   (unless vattrib (setq vattrib "top"))
|   (unless hattrib (setq hattrib "right"))
|   (unless delay (setq delay 5000))
|   (unless font (setq font "Serif Bold Italic 32"))
|   (save-window-excursion
|     (shell-command
|      (format
|       "gnome-osd-client -f \"<message id='%s' osd_fake_translucent_bg='off' 
osd_font='%s' animations='on' hide_timeout='%d' osd_vposition='%s' 
|       id
|       font
|       delay
|       vattrib
|       hattrib
|       msg)
|      nil nil)
|     ))
| ;(osd-display "i2" "and OSD..." 500)
| ;(osd-display "id" "Welcome to Emacs" 1000 "top" "center" "Verdana 20")

Finally the erc hook stuff:

| (defun erc-notify-osd (matched-type nick msg)
|   (when (string= matched-type "current-nick")
|     (message msg)
|     (string-match ".*:\\(.*\\)$" msg)
|     (setq msg (match-string 1 msg))
|     (osd-display (concat "erc-msg : " (erc-extract-nick nick)) (concat 
(erc-extract-nick nick) " : " msg) 10000 "bottom" "center" "Verdana 23")
|  ))
| (add-hook 'erc-text-matched-hook 'erc-notify-osd)

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