Hi Taru,

if I understand correctly, if I have a large BibTeX database,
the entire database file will be included into the HTML file.

A possible extension for your program would be to select only the
references actually used in the exported file.

- Carsten

On Feb 22, 2009, at 1:05 PM, Taru Karttunen wrote:


Motivated by the discussion on exporting BibTeX to html
and LaTeX when using org-mode I created an extension that
does this.

The html export uses bibtex2html from
http://www.lri.fr/~filliatr/bibtex2html/ also
packaged in e.g. Debian.

This works by a
#+BIBLIOGRAPHY: bibfilebasename stylename
e.g. given foo.bib and using style plain:
#+BIBLIOGRAPHY: foo plain

For LaTeX export this simply inserts the lines
into the tex-file when exporting.

For Html export it:
1) converts all \cite{bar} to links to the bibliography
2) creates a foo.html and foo_bib.html
3) includes the contents of foo.html in the exported html file

Code attached.

- Taru Karttunen

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