Uwe Brauer writes:
> Thanks I knew about it, but it seems very sophisticated and column, not
> row based.

Well, if simple-minded suits you (i.e. the columns are known to have the
same order):

Tables in Org are lists with rows as their elements, and a row is either
a symbol or a list of column elements.  So just concatenating the two
lists does (almost) the right thing.  If you know the row has headers,
you need to skip until the first real data row in the second table
(i.e. skip the first row, the first header and then resume the concat).

Your other option is just grabbing the text of both tables, emit it as a
single entity (again you may want to remove the header on the second
table) and then call org-align-table on it.

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

SD adaptations for KORG EX-800 and Poly-800MkII V0.9:

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